It all started Oct. 15 1995 Two friends took me to a
Sahaja yoga Program.We all wanted to try meditation
We experienced the cool breeze sensation that night
I could not attend the follow up program for 2 weeks.
My friends went and showed me how they were
shown how to meditate.I did this for 2 weeks until I
could attend the program.When I attended the program
I knew something special would happen that night.
They had a workshop,where an experienced
yogi worked on the blockages in my energy centres.
The energy (Kundalini) raised up my spine and I could
feel it go out the top of my head.This felt like every cell
in my entire body was filled with Pure Love.This type
I had never felt before,It felt as if I was secure as a baby
in a mothers care sleeping in a bed,but such Joy
Joy !! Joy!!
Pure Joy !!
This cannot even be described by me.
I have been meditating ever since(now
6 years)
in the morning and evening for a half hour each.
I hope everyone can experience this Joy!!!!!